Figures obtained from the Land Registry show houses by the sea are on average £15,000 more expensive than those inland.
But Carol Peett, managing director of Pembrokeshire based West Wales Property Finders, said in her experience the “sea view factor” could be far more dramatic, especially for houses with particularly good views of the waves.
She said: “I am busier now than I have been in the past 12 years. “Many people come to me looking for homes by the sea and I would say they are prepared to pay as much as double for a home with a nice sea view than for one without it”.
“The vast majority of people looking for coastal homes in Pembrokeshire are in their 40s and 50s and are looking to buy a second home here with a view to retiring in the years to come and selling up their first homes”.
“People know they can get more house for their money in Pembrokeshire than in other parts of the UK so its become a hot spot for buyers and there is a definite premium to be paid for a good sea view”.
“I would imagine the figures from the land registry seem a bit lower when a lot of properties are taken in and the figures averaged out, as some sea views are better than others”.
“Generally though, I would say £15,000 extra is the very least people are paying for a house with a sea view”.
“Certainly in Pembrokeshire, prices of homes with sea views can be double those for similar homes inland”.
“There was a rush for homes in April when people sought to beat Stamp Duty changes and there was forecast to be a lull afterwards – but that hasn’t happened here”.
“People are still looking to buy in West Wales and its coastal location is probably a factor.”