The ULTIMATE guide to saving tens of thousands of pounds on your dream home, from Britain’s top estate agents – and the things you MUST avoid…
The start of a new year is a time when many of us look to sell and buy a new home.
Yet isn’t it crazy that we often make this – the biggest financial commitment of our lives – in a frenzy of bickering that wouldn’t be out of place in a medieval market square?
Buyers chase bargains, while vendors try to pull the wool over our eyes. It can be an expensive game for the uninitiated.
We’ve spoken to estate agents and property experts from across the country to ensure that you, the buyer, come out a winner from the minefield of property negotiations…..
7. ‘Make it clear that you are happy to work to the vendor’s timeline,’ says Carol Peett, from West Wales Property Finders ‘This will make it more likely that they’ll look positively on a bid that’s a little short of the asking price.’
8. Try your best to find out the vendor’s selling position. If a recent sale has fallen through and they want to, say, emigrate in a month’s time, they will obviously be open to low offers.
9. There are no hard and fast rules regarding what your opening bid for the property should be, but 5 per cent to 10 per cent below the asking price would mean you are in the right ballpark. Put your offer in writing. Email is fine. If the vendor pushes you to your budgetary limits then push back….
1. Don’t show that you dislike the vendor’s taste in interiors, be it a purple living room wall or a florid 1970s carpet. ‘Your aim should be to build up a good rapport with the sellers,’ says Carol Peett, from West Wales Property Finders. ‘You can’t do that if you consider them figures of fun.’
2. You shouldn’t be too effusive about the interior as this could encourage the vendor to ask top dollar for the property. As a compromise, praise the garden. The flowers and vegetable patch won’t be a factor in negotiations so feel free to gush madly.
The Daily Mail – Wednesday, 29th January 2025 –
If you are looking to buy a property in Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire or Ceredigion, give West Wales Property Finders a call on 01834 862816. We can find your perfect property for you whilst saving you time, stress and often money too!
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