…. Even for those who routinely view hundreds of properties for a living nothing can replace the affection held for a happy childhood home.
“It has always been my dream home and I could never find anywhere that would match up to it”, says Carol Peett from buying agency, West Wales Property Finders, of the historic Pembrokeshire long house that she grew up in. She moved back in six years ago with her husband Rayner, after her parents passed away. She has replicated many of the joys she remembers from her childhood there, with tea in the garden and an assortment of dogs, cats, donkeys and ducks. She also runs it as an occasional (Sawday’s) bed and breakfast http://www.pembrokeshirefarmbandb.co.uk.
“It was very strange to be here without my parents when we first moved in”, she says. “I would walk into the drawing room and expect my mother and father to be sitting in their chairs by the fire. My mother was an amazing gardener, so I was terrified of doing anything to it in case I spoilt it at first. But once we renovated the house, it become ours rather than theirs, and all the overriding happy memories took over”….
Moving Back into a Childhood Home – The Daily Telegraph – Saturday, 7th July 2018 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/property/buy/like-raising-kids-grew-meet-people-buying-back-childhood-home/
If you are thinking of moving to West Wales, or buying a property in Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion or Gower, give West Wales Property Finders a call on 01834 862816. We can find the perfect property for you whilst saving you time, stress and often money http://www.westwalespropertyfinders.co.uk