The average house price in National Parks has risen by £91,265 or around 36%, over the past 10 years; £10,000 more than the average price increase for all properties in England and Wales.
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park saw a growth of 36% and is Wales’s most expensive for property, with average prices standing at £222,792. In comparison, prices in the Brecon Beacons rose 26% and average £206,162.
Despite these rises the prices to earnings ratio, based on the Land Registry and Office for National Statistics figures, show all three Welsh National Parks compare favourably with their English counterparts on affordability. Whilst in the New Forest, house prices are 14 times greater than the average wage, in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park it is 8.4. Whilst two other English Authorities, both in Yorkshire, have a lower prices to earnings ratio than the PCNP, six have higher mutiples.
Prices in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park are about 45% higher than the £153,662 average for the county as a whole due to the beauty of the area and the stringent planning regulations which protect the Parks from over development.
If you are looking to move to West Wales, or perhaps buy a second home in Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion or on the Gower Peninsula, we would be delighted to help you find your dream property. Please call Carol Peett at West Wales Property Finders on 01834 862816; check out our website on www.westwalespropertyfinders.co.uk or email us on carol@westwalespropertyfinders.co.uk.